New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir

2016. május 9. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Concert in memory of the end of World War II

Super flumina Babylonis

Ingvar Lidholm
De profundis

Canti di prigionia két zongorára és két hárfára

Un soir de neige

De Profundis, op. 56

Norvég lányok

John August Pamintuan
De profundis

Sirató ének

Jerusalem, op. 145

Quomodo cantabimus

-;-Új Liszt Ferenc Kamarakórus

Vezényel: Nemes László Norbert
The resident chamber choir of the Liszt Academy, under the baton of internationally-renowned choral conductor László Norbert Nemes, perform nine remarkable choral works by composers of different nationalities. Finn Leevi Madetoja, who was a student of Sibelius and died in 1947, as well as Swede Ingvar Lidholm (born: 1921), both have compositions setting Psalm 130 to music, while Norwegian Knut Nystedt (who lived to the age of 99 and left behind a volume of fine choral works when he died in 2014) is represented by his setting of verses from the Book of Revelations. Francis Poulenc wrote his masterpiece Un soir de neige at Christmas 1944, in German-occupied Paris, after the poem by Paul Éluard. Zoltán Kodály’s contributions are Norwegian Girls written in 1940 and the moving Lament in memory of victims of the global war. Also there is a church work by Philippino John August Pamintuan who has won huge international acclaim for his choral works.


HUF 1 300, 1 900