Julia Lezhneva & La Voce Strumentale

2016. április 9. 19.30-22.00

Baroque Sopranos

Julia Lezhneva & La Voce Strumentale A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Händel in Italy

B-dúr hegedűverseny („Pisendel”, TWV 51:B1)

„Pugneran con noi le stelle” – ária a Rodrigo című operából

D-dúr lantverseny (RV 93)

Salve Regina (HWV 241)

d-moll hegedűverseny (RV 242)

„Zeffiretti, che sussurrate” – ária az Ercole sul Termodonte című operából

„Un pensiero nemico di pace” – ária az Il trionfo című oratóriumból

B-dúr concerto grosso, op. 6/11

„Tu del ciel ministro eletto” – ária az Il trionfo című oratóriumból

-;-Julia Lezsnyeva (szoprán)

La Voce Strumentale

Vezényel: Dmitrij Szinkovszkij
A new soprano star, Julia Lezhneva, hails from a chilly and distant Russian city, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, approximately 10,000 km from Moscow which is really part of the Far East. She is only in her twenties, yet she is already spoken of as the new Cecilia Bartoli. She has an angelic—or perhaps more accurately—crystalline voice, amazing and flawless technique, and near mesmerizing emotional profundity. Young she may be, but Julia Lezhneva has already taken to the stage with the greatest early music formations, and she can thank legendary performers such as Richard Bonynge, Carlo Rizzi and Ileana Cotrubas for her classical schooling. Kiri Te Kanawa herself named the artist her protégé, while John Eliot Gardiner said quite simply that the purity of Lezhneva’s coloratura and voice were unequalled. Julia Lezhneva is one of the most entrancing performers of Baroque vocal music, and for this event she brings with her a similarly world-class ensemble playing on period instruments. La Voce Strumentale was founded in 2011 by dazzling violinist Dmitry Sinkovsky, a regular guest of the best early music ensembles.


HUF 4 300, 5 900, 7 600, 9 900