Danubia Orchestra Óbuda

2017. október 25. 19.30-22.00

Danubia Orchestra Óbuda A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Golden Age

Egy faun délutánja


Négy legenda, op. 22

-;-Óbudai Danubia Zenekar

Vezényel: Hámori Máté
At the time, people were majestic, laughed and argued with the gods then they themselves became gods. Men were strong, women were passionate and life was painfully beautiful and lasted only a few years. These heroes are our ancestors: they were there at the siege of Troy, at the entrance to the underworld, when the power of art and love revealed the never opening gates of death. We were there in the depth of northern woodlands, feared from God Thor's thunderbolts, we saw Väinämöinen passing the underworld river of Tuoni. We never forgot not a moment, inside of us, in our music, in our movements pulsates the dawn of mankind: the Golden Age.


HUF 2 500, 3 200, 3 800, 4 700