Moment’s Notice Trio

2017. október 20. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Jazz It!

Moment’s Notice Trio A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Moment’s Notice Trio: ifj. Kurtág György (elektronikus hangszerek); Lukács Miklós (cimbalom); Gőz László (harsona, basszustrombita, kagylók)
The musical style of the Kurtág–Lukács–Gőz Trio derives from the meeting of minds of these three unique artists, giving a composite picture of today’s world of music which exists only in the given place and time. John Cage believed that contemporary music is born when it is played in front of an audience, it only exists in the here and now, and in the next moment it ceases to be contemporary, immediately becoming part of the past. The three musicians differ from each other in style and musical appreciation, yet all three also look to 21st century jazz, European classical, contemporary and electronic music, in other words, those ‘languages’ that they cultivate at the highest level. The audience will also view a projection behind the artists that is an integral part of the concert: Bence Samu and Ágoston Nagy, teachers at MOME university of art and design, and Szabolcs Kerestes, teacher at the department of electronic music of the Liszt Academy, jointly developed the program that generates a visual of audio content in real time, in other words, it tracks and reflects the musical experience through images.


HUF 2 500, 3 200