A legfontosabb osztály számomra – és a magyar zenészek százai számára – a kamarazenei osztály volt.

Solti György

2016. június 14. 19.00-22.00

Jewish Art Days

Budapest Bár A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Klezmer and Songs from Pest

-;-Budapest Bár zenekar Farkas Róbert vezetésével, valamint Behumi Dóri, Frenk, Kiss Tibor és Németh Juci

Vendégek: Fekete László főkántor és Szalóki Ági
The “Klezmer adventure” of Budapest Bár started in May 2014 at the Five Churches Festival of Győr and continued the same year at the Jewish Summer Festival in Budapest. Róbert Farkas and his fellow musicians were happy about the invitation at the time because the pulsation, musicality and spirit of klezmer music is close to the gipsy ensemble. They grew so fond of the genre that in May 2015 they published an LP named Klezmer – it was during the making of this that they collaborated with László Fekete, chief cantor of the Dohány Street Synagogue, for the first time. The concert of Budapest Bár will not only please those who love klezmer music but also those who attend the show because of the old Pest songs revived by Budapest Bár: for the band will play klezmer in the first part of the evening, and popular Pest songs in the second. And a special surprise: Ági Szalóki, who used to be a member of Budapest Bár in the first years, will return again for this occasion. This evening is the first time the band appears at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, so they are now working hard to impress their fans and the audience of this prestigious institution.


HUF 3 200, 4 500, 6 900