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Liszt Mihalovich Ödönnek
Barnabás Kelemen, William Youn & Thorsten Johanns Chamber Recital

2016. szeptember 18. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

KOREA-HUNGARY Classical Music Festival

Barnabás Kelemen, William Youn & Thorsten Johanns Chamber Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Trió klarinétra, hegedűre és zongorára

Ruralia Hungarica, op. 32c (a szerző hegedű-zongora átirata)

Két tétel klarinétra és zongorára

Schwanengesang - 4. Ständchen

Liszt-C. Schumann
Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort



Kontrasztok, BB 116

-;-Kelemen Barnabás (hegedű), William Youn (zongora), Andreas Ottensamer (klarinét)
The programme is full of joy through folk music. We will get to know how much classical music has developed with its influence. All of them play two rare pieces for clarinet, violin and piano by two great masters of folk music. It is said that Bartók’s Contrasts contains “technical bravura and poetic versatility as well.” Ernő Dohnányi created his Ruralia Hungarica with Transylvanian folksongs that had been collected by Kodály and Bartók. Weiner’s two pieces based on folk music is explored by half-Hungarian clarinet virtuoso. Liszt’s contribution to classical music is not confined to his composition and piano playing. He showed how wonderful the transcription can be. William Youn will prove it.


HUF 1 900