Az a feladatunk, hogy valódi tehetségeket formáljunk, akikben megvan a mesterré váláshoz szükséges képesség, s ne foglalkozzunk a tehetségtelen középszerrel.

Liszt Giovanni Sgambatinak
Aleksandar Madžar & Kelemen Quartet

2018. április 12. 19.30-22.00

At Home in the Liszt Academy

Aleksandar Madžar & Kelemen Quartet A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

34. (D-dúr) vonósnégyes, Hob. III:34

A-dúr vonósnégyes, op. 41/3


f-moll zongoraötös, op. 34

-;-Aleksandar Madžar (zongora)

Kelemen Kvartett: Kelemen Barnabás, Kokas Katalin (hegedű), Homoki Gábor (brácsa), Fenyő László (cselló)
In the final concert in the series At Home in the Liszt Academy, Kelemen Quartet initiate the audience into a chamber piece by Haydn and by Schumann alongside the Brahms masterpiece. As ‘father of the string quartet’, Haydn needs no introduction: with no fewer than 68 string quartets, he in effect single-handedly established the framework of this genre. Schumann’s situation is different. In 1842, the period he composed most of his chamber works, he also wrote three string quartets, yet these pieces never became an integral part of the repertoire. The String Quartet in A major languished in obscurity for a long time, it being said that its musical fabric was overly piano-like; however, the poetic nature and unique solutions typical of Schumann mean that (despite the in places unusual style) it fully deserves its place on the concert podium. The Piano Quintet in F minor by Brahms could serve as a classical example of the lengthy creative process typical of the composer, winning its final form only after numerous revisions; the result is a work that daringly oversteps traditional boundaries in places. Serbian pianist Aleksandar Madžar teams up with Kelemen Quartet for its performance.


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900, 5 600