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Dohnányi Ernő főigazgatói székfoglalója
In Medias Brass Quintet & Zsuzsanna Bazsinka

2018. április 27. 19.00-21.20

Solti terem

Chamber Music, So Close

In Medias Brass Quintet & Zsuzsanna Bazsinka A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J. S. Bach
d-moll toccata és fúga, BWV 565

J. S. Bach
Goldberg-variációk, BWV 988 (részletek)

B-dúr divertimento, Hob.II:46

1. (b-moll) kvintett, op. 5

Selmeczi György
Himnuszok II.

Hommage à Bartók

Enrique Crespo
Amerikai szvit

-;-Kresz Richárd, Pálfalvi Tamás (trombita); Benyus János (kürt); Sztán Attila (harsona); ifj. Bazsinka József (tuba)

Közreműködik: Bazsinka Zsuzsanna (szoprán)
The concert by In Medias Brass (founded: 2010) presents brass chamber music in a totally new light. Through a series of innovative arrangements, Bach’s iconic Toccata and Fugue in D minor and excerpts from Goldberg Variations, Haydn’s dynamic Divertimento as well as one of the first original brass quintets and several more recent compositions are performed. Members of In Medias Brass graduated from the Liszt Academy and almost immediately after setting up the formation they were able to give solid proof of their talent: they swept to victory at the 6th Jeju International Brass Competition in South Korea. They have given concerts in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France and the United States, while their international successes brought them a Junior Prima Prize in 2011. For their Liszt Academy appearance they are on stage together with trumpeter Tamás Pálfalvi, while soprano Zsuzsanna Bazsinka is on hand in the performance of Hymns II by György Selmeczi. Pálfalvi is one of the most promising trumpet artists of our day, who despite his youth has already worked with conductors such as Fabio Luisi, Péter Eötvös, Christoph Eschenbach and Zoltán Kocsis. From among the more classical sounding productions of the In Medias Brass concert the American Suite by Uruguayan-born trombonist Enrique Crespo certainly stands out; with perfected instrumental skills it brings out a host of musical styles.


HUF 1 900