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Adelheid von Schorn Reményiről és Lisztről
Péter Frankl & István Várdai Recital

2018. április 21. 19.30-22.00

Budapest Spring Festival

Péter Frankl & István Várdai Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

1. (B-dúr) cselló-zongora szonáta, op. 45

a-moll („Arpeggione”) cselló-zongora szonáta, D. 821


Öt darab népies sílusban, op.102

b-moll cselló-zongora szonáta, op. 8

-;-Frankl Péter (zongora),Várdai István (cselló)
This is a rendezvous of generations: István Várdai was born exactly fifty years later than Péter Frankl. The two great musicians first met in the spring of 2015, when they played all of Beethoven’s cello-piano sonatas. “It was a fantastic experience to travel Beethoven’s entire way in a single night. Despite the intervening fifty years, the harmony was complete between us. We obviously felt the music the same way,” said the pianist. At the Spring Festival, the two musicians provide a lavish overview of the 19th century cello-piano literature, from 1824 to 1899.


HUF 2 000, 3 200, 4 500, 5 900