Engedtessék meg nekem, hogy a magyar nyelvben való sajnálatos tudatlanságom ellenére születésemtől a sírig szívemben és érzéseimben magyar maradjak, és ennek megfelelően odaadóan elő kívánjam mozdítani a magyar zenekultúra ügyét.

Liszt Augusz Antalnak
Colin Currie & Zoltán Rácz

2018. április 13. 19.30-22.00

Chamber Music - Tuned for Grand Hall

Colin Currie & Zoltán Rácz A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja


Rolf Wallin
Realismos Magicos

Steve Reich


15. (A-dúr) szimfónia, op. 141 (átirat)

-;-Colin Currie, Rácz Zoltán, Holló Aurél (ütőhangszerek)

Varga Oszkár (hegedű); Szabó Judit (cselló)

Balog József, Mali Emese (zongora)
“The Quartet is one of the more complex I have composed” says Steve Reich, who dedicated the work to none other than one of the world’s finest and most audacious percussion artists, Colin Currie. A Hungarian audience needs no introduction to Zoltán Rácz, who as artistic director and soloist of Amadinda Percussion Group has played a massive part in popularizing in Hungary many of the most important 20th century works for percussion, among them compositions by Steve Reich. This time around Zoltán Rácz performs Rebonds by Iannis Xenakis, a composer little heard in Hungary but still a highly original and significant artist. Colin Currie has also prepared a similarly innovative solo production. Although written for a single performer, Rebonds sounds as though several artists are playing at the same time. Its astoundingly complex rhythms and tonalities demand technical abilities verging on the superhuman. Zoltán Rácz’s top chamber partners join the two percussionists in a performance of the Quartet and Shostakovich’s final symphony, number 15.


HUF 1 200, 1 700, 2 800, 3 900, 4 600