A legfontosabb osztály számomra – és a magyar zenészek százai számára – a kamarazenei osztály volt.

Solti György

2018. április 7. 19.30-21.00

Solti terem

Budapest Spring Festival

From Liszt to Bartók • 4.4 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Bartók in Paris

1. hegedű-zongora szonáta, BB 84


Lúdanyó meséi (Tornyai Péter átirata)

Hét dal James Joyce szövegeire, op. 54


-;-Osztrosits Éva (hegedű), Berecz Mihály (zongora)

Balog József (zongora), Baksai Réka (hegedű), Zétényi Tamás (cselló), Bíró Zsófia (fuvola), Rumy Balázs (klarinét)

Vörös Szilvia (mezzoszoprán), Balog József (zongora)

Berecz Mihály (zongora), Rumy Balázs (klarinét), Benyus János (kürt), Fábry Bálint (fagott), Lisa Romain (hegedű), Ludmány Dénes (brácsa), Zétényi Tamás (cselló)
“Only Schönberg’s missing,” said eminent French musicologist and art historian Henry Prunières, editor-in-chief of the Revue Musicale, at a reception held in Paris in 1922 in honour of Bartók. “Half the world’s premier composers were there, that is, Ravel, Stravinsky, Szymanowski, and a few notorious Frenchmen,” wrote Bartók to his mother a few days later. He also told her how they had to repeat the violin and piano sonata after dinner. Stravinsky, of course, liked the third movement best as being closest to him, while Ravel favoured the profound second movement; local critics declared the piece the most important composition to have been written for twenty years. The other works performed at this concert are by composers who were present at this legendary evening.


HUF 1 900