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Dissonance Quartet (Ljubljana)

2018. március 24. 19.00-21.00

X. terem

Dissonance Quartet (Ljubljana) A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Gašper Muženič

Dankó Richárd

Tilen Slakan

Kalocsai Andrea

Anej Černe

Németh Zoltán

2. vonósnégyes, op. 10

-;-A Dissonance Kvartett tagjai: Janez Podlesek, Matjaž Porovne (hegedű), Oliver Dizdarević (brácsa), Klemen Hvala (cselló)

Mentor: Dušan Bavdek

Mentor: Fekete Gyula

Mentor: Marko Mihevc

Mentor: Fekete Gyula

Mentor: Dušan Bavdek

Mentor: Serei Zsolt
The Dissonance Quartet consists of members of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra. They were brought together for the first performance of string quartet, written by Lojze Lebič, the renowned Slovenian composer. After a successful presentation and on going desire to continue to play together, the decision was made to form a permanent ensamble, the Dissonance string quartet. Since then, they performed a concert for Slovenian Composers Society, at the World Music Days "WMD 2015«, within Imago Sloveniae, at the Festival »Soboški dnevi« and other venues. Together with a well known Italian clarinettist Michele Marelli they presented the project "Mozart Destrutturato " at the Musica IN Estate 2015 Festival at Acqui Terme - Alessandrija (Italy) and at the Symphonic Voices Music Festival in Koper. The name of the quartet is taken from the famous Mozart's »Dissonance«String Quartet K465 No. 19 in C-major. It symbolizes their dedication to both classical literature as well as contemporary compositions, especially Slovenian.


Entry is free.