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Dohnányi Ernő főigazgatói székfoglalója
New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir

2018. március 9. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Három Charles d' Orléans-dal

Images (Képek) – 1. sorozat

Kecskés D. Balázs
Trois romances

Emszt András
De profundis clamavi

Bucz Magor

Hét dal

-;-Új Liszt Ferenc Kamarakórus

Demény Balázs (zongora)

Vezényel: Nemes László Norbert
The traditions of Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir led by István Párkai and in existence for three decades from 1963 to 1993 are carried on the by New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir, formed from Alma Mater Choir of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music as well as recent graduates of the Liszt Academy. The formation (members of which are mainly students majoring in conducting and music theory) were established by then conductor of Alma Mater Péter Erdei in 2010, and then the baton was passed to Norbert László Nemes in 2014. The choir’s principal objective is to perform not only the classical choral repertoire but also more rarely heard or more complex contemporary works. At this concert, Debussy and Poulenc are representatives of the classical repertoire, while the modern is apparent in the form of pieces by Balázs Kecskés D., András Emszt and Magor Bucz, all young composers of the Liszt Academy. Balázs Demény, winner of the Île-de France International Piano Competition, plays excerpts from Debussy’s Images series.


HUF 1 200