Az a feladatunk, hogy valódi tehetségeket formáljunk, akikben megvan a mesterré váláshoz szükséges képesség, s ne foglalkozzunk a tehetségtelen középszerrel.

Liszt Giovanni Sgambatinak Little Red Violin (and the Big Evil Cello)

2016. november 20. 10.30-12.30


Turning Point Little Red Violin (and the Big Evil Cello) A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Journey into the magical empire of fairy tales and music

-;-Közreműködik : Környei Zsófia (hegedű), Steven Isserlis (cselló)

Mesélő: Simkó-Várnagy Judit

Szerkesztő-műsorvezető: Simon Izabella
Following last year’s Babar the elephant, this year the small red violin and big evil cello come out to enchant children (and parents) attending the matinee programme. The compilation, based on the Grimm fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, is the work of two great artists: the music is by Oscar winner Anne Dudley, while the words spring from the mind of the extraordinarily multifaceted cellist Steven Isserlis, who actually participates in several of the festival concerts. Just like last year, Izabella Simon is the editor and narrator of the programme as well as brainchild behind the magic carpet that transports young and old alike into the wonderful world of fairy tales and music. As an artist fluent in the language of children, Simon guides them through the different events of the matinee. Children can also be active participants in the programme, discovering the magic of music and the fellow arts together with selected musicians of


HUF 900