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Solti György
Eszterlánc Ensemble feat. Mihály Dresch

2016. június 5. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, Authentic

Eszterlánc Ensemble feat. Mihály Dresch A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Dresch Mihály - fuhun, szaxofon; Szilágyi Anna, Navratil Andrea, Sturcz Noémi (ének)

Eszterlánc: Mihó Attila (hegedű); Juhász Dénes (hegedű, furulya); Császár Attila (brácsa); Liber Róbert (bőgő)
Eszterlánc is a string group that developed along the lines of old peasant bands. Its repertoire mainly draws on traditional folk music of the Transylvanian Plain (Mezőség). Mezőség singers and musicians are frequently invited to join them in concerts and recordings. The driving force and permanent member of the formation (established: 1998) is Attila Császár, who always has a good ear for selecting his companions from those who are most intimate with the musical traditions of this part of the world. Recorder player and saxophonist Mihály Dresch is a regular guest musician of the band and has featured on several Eszterlánc albums already. Through his instruments Dresch takes hold of the music of the Transylvanian landscape with such naturalness that, based on these recordings, music ethnographers of the next century may ponder deeply before making hard and fast statements about musical authenticity.


HUF 1 900, 2 500