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Liszt Ferenc
Britten: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

2016. május 29. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Britten: A Midsummer Night’s Dream A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Opera Exam

-;-rendező: Szabó Máté

Közreműködnek: a Zeneakadémia opera szakos hallgatói

karmester: Dominic Wheeler
Opera Exam productions brought to the stage under the direction of András Almási-Tóth are, as he puts it, capable of rendering an early, pure form of opera to the audience: there are no constraints and a single guiding principle: the joy of playing and discovery. During exam performances students of the Liszt Academy’s vocal department move into the limelight and – showing considerable daring and freshness – present themselves (to huge acclaim each year) before an audience open to new musical-theatrical experiences. Contrary to the world of grand opera, the Opera Exams are not subject to production or box office constraints, giving the director and the performers a free hand to accept the inescapable risks that are the hallmarks of truly exciting performances while dealing with the works with the greatest artistic freedom imaginable. In 2016, Benjamin Britten’s opera A Midsummer Night’s Dream is being staged. With its wonderful elements, stimulating twists and turns and moments of profound humanity, it represents the perfect platform for the realization of richly imaginative ideas and fulfilment of performer abilities. Two worlds meet in A Midsummer Night’s Dream: human and fairy, reality and fantasy mix with each other not only in the tale by Shakespeare but also in the constantly morphing, incredibly diverse musical parts of the opera by Britten.