Liszt szerepe a zongorajátszásban ugyanaz, mint Euklideszé a geometriában.

Alan Walker

2016. május 20. 19.00-21.00


Crosscurrents: Concert of the Vienna-Helsinki-Budapest Contemporary Composition Workshop A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Gregor Hanke
Ohne Titel

Gelléri András
Special Quintet

Filip Pinczewski

Asmir Jakupovic
Piece for Four Double Basses

Dobos Dániel
Rite of the Elements

Perttu Pölönen

Jaime Belmonte Caparrós
Déflagration Sociale

-;-Losonci Luca (fagott), Simonics Viktória (fagott), Bodoczki Ernő (nagybőgő), Szirmai Jenő (trombita)

Mohácsi Vilmos, Csuti Dávid, Hosszú Kristóf, Godár Gergely (nagybőgő), Farkas Eszter (cimbalom)

Losonci Luca (fagott), Győri Mátyás (nagybőgő), Kokas Dóra (cselló), Simon Evelin (oboa)

Kubina Péter, Hosszú Kristóf, Godár Gergely, Győri Mátyás (nagybőgő)

Sándor Flóra (angolkürt), Fábry Bálint (fagott), Pap Gábor (harsona)

Godár Gergely (nagybőgő), Lajhó Gyula (marimba), Pető Marcell (zongora)

Csuti Dávid (nagybőgő), Lajhó Gyula (ütőhangszerek), Kokas Dóra (cselló), Pető Marcell (zongora), Kiss Enikő (hegedű), Nemes Réka (fuvola)
Crosscurrents is an international project that brings together young composers from prominent music academies in the region for collaboration and exchange. The ever fruitful relationship between the Liszt Academy and the Music Academy in Vienna provides framework for the project which aims to explore different musical genres and instruments together with an invited third partner institute. In the course of the two-round programme, composition professors and students gather with the aim of engaging in dynamic artistic work and take part in a series of events including workshops, symposiums and concerts. During the meeting they also have the opportunity to discuss their own pieces as well as current trends in music composition. In December 2015 the project reached a new phase with having the Sibelius Academy of Music, Helsinki, as joining third partner. The workshop focused on the role of two, relatively under-represented instruments in contemporary compositions: namely, the bassoon and the double bass.
This time, 18-20 May 2016, the work continues as composers from the three institutions are to meet again to present and discuss the composed pieces inspired by the previous workshop and celebrate the mutual work with a concert.


Entry is free.