20 December 2024, 19.00-21.00
Solti Hall
Here and Now
Trió Passacaglia: Judit Rajk, László Kéringer & Tamás Zétényi
Presented by Liszt Academy
Psalterium Irregulare
Domine ad adjuvandum – a rotulus from a Zsigmond-period fragment beginning the canonical hours
Dicsőült helyeken – folk psalm from the Hungarian tradition
Lassus: Biciniums to psalm texts
Perotinus: Alleluia Posui adiutorium, Psalm 88/89
Rossi: Psalm 82
Gabrielli: Ricercare in D minor
Rossi: Psalm 12
Psalm 24 – to a Sephardic tune (arranged by Marcell Dargay)
Rossi: Psalm 128
Kegyességnek és minden jóságnak… – antiphon from the Old Graduale
Máté Balogh: Quia ipse… (on the verses of Psalm 23/24)
Zoltán Jeney: Honnéni Elohim (50/51. zsoltár) – excerpt from the Funeral Rite
Péter Tornyai: … nunc et semper… – meditation for two cellos
Lőrinc Szécsi: Haec est generatio... (on the verses of Psalm 23/24)
Márton Levente Horváth: Mosaics on Psalm 29
Kegyességnek és minden jóságnak… – antiphon from the Old Graduale
Schütz: Lobet den Herren, der zu Zion wohnet, SWV 293, Psalm 9
Schütz: Ich will den Herren loben allezeit, SWV 306 (arranged by Marcell Dargay)
J. M. C. dall’Abaco: Caprice No. 1 in C minor
Hildegard von Bingen: De patria – psalm antiphon to Psalm 62
Monteverdi: Laudate dominum in sanctis eius, SV 287 (arranged by Marcell Dargay)
Trió Passacaglia: Judit Rajk, László Kéringer (vocals), Tamás Zétényi (cello)
Celebrating its tenth anniversary, the Trio Passacaglia skillfully blends old and new music in their concerts. With two vocal parts and a cello operating within nearly the same range, their repertoire prominently features Gregorian chant, ornate Eastern monophony, monody, and early medieval polyphonic harmonizations. However, it is their incorporation of contemporary sounds into these arrangements that distinguishes their performances from traditional historical interpretations. In addition to typically shorter, thematically interconnected pieces, they have been experimenting for several years with larger-scale, longer contemporary oratorical works. including performances at their previous Liszt Academy concerts of Péter Tornyai's compositionts Dixit and Passacaglia della morte. Their current follows a similar concept, Psalterium irregulare, a kind of irregular psalter book, a compilation of monophonic psalms from the early Middle Ages, psalm songs by unknown composers, Hildegard von Bingen, Perotinus, Monteverdi, Schütz, Salamone Rossi, and works by Hungarian composers composed for the ensemble.
The event is the rescheduled date of the cancelled concert on 21 November, and tickets for the original concert are valid.
Listen to an earlier performance of Trio Passacaglia in Solti Hall:
- 10% discount for 2 concerts,
- 15% discount for 3 concerts,
- 20% discount for 4 or more concerts.
Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
HUF 3 900
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