17 December 2024, 18.00-22.00
Grand Hall
Hungarian Radio Children’s Choir Christmas Concert
Jöjj el, jöjj el Emmánuel (Veni, veni Emmanuel) – Latin Advent carol
Britten: A Hymn to the Virgin
Britten: A Ceremony of Carols, Op. 28 » 1. Procession, 2. Wolcum Yole!, 4b Balulalow, 6. This Little Babe
Kocsár: Salve Regina
Kocsár: Christmas, Black Glory (Seven Pieces for Women’s Choir to Poems by László Nagy) » 2. Awaiting the Snow
Kocsár: Sub tuum praesidium
Kodály: Geneva Psalm CL
Horváth Márton Levente: O salutaris hostia
Kodály: Adventi ének (Advent Carol)
Buxtehude: Das neugeborne Kindelein – cantata, BuxWV 13
Buxtehude: Jesu, meines Lebens Leben – cantata, BuxWV 62
Schütz: Symphoniae Sacrae III. » Mein Sohn, warum hast du uns das getan, SWV 401
Betlehem nativity scenes of the Palánták Choir
Schubert: Der 23. Psalm, D. 706
Schubert: Ave Maria
Mark Lowry – Buddy Greene: Mary, Did You Know?
Conductor: Soma Dinyés, Magdaléna Szűcs, Katalin Vargáné Körber
Presented by
Hungarian Radio Art Groups
HUF 1 500, 2 000, 3 000, 3 500 (20% discount for students and pensioners)