We hope to see you in the autumn: the Liszt Academy announces its new season tickets

16 April 2020

The autumn 2020 season tickets of the Liszt Academy are available for purchase; the concerts will feature performances by Julia Lezhneva, Il Giardino Armonico and Isabelle Faust, Emmanuel Pahud and his wind partners, among others, as well as many outstanding Hungarian musicians. Continuously updated information about the new date of concerts cancelled in the spring and the refund of tickets is available on the institution's website.

Once again, distinguished Hungarian and foreign performers will take the stage at season ticket concerts organised by the Concert Centre of the Liszt Academy in the autumn 2020 season. Due to the extraordinary situation, the recently launched discount ticket sales will be extended until 31 May.

The stars of early music return to the Liszt Academy as part of the Pure Baroque autumn 2020 season ticket: Julia Lezhneva will perform with the Venice Baroque Orchestra, Isabelle Faust (playing early music for the first time in Budapest) will take the stage with the Il Giardino Armonico ensemble, featuring conductor Giovanni Antonini, while the Purcell Choir and the Orfeo Orchestra with conductor György Vashegyi will also stage performances.


Julia Lezhneva

The Complete Works series continues with Bartók’s chamber works composed for violin, starring Kristóf Baráti and excellent musicians such as Ágnes Langer, Júlia Pusker, Máté Szűcs, Zoltán Fejérvári, Dénes Várjon, Csaba Klenyán, Roman Rabinovich, Giovanni Guzzo and Julian Steckel. Emmanuel Pahud, François Leleux, Paul Meyer, Gilbert Audin and Radovan Vlatković will take the stage as members of the Les Vents Français formation in the series entitled Chamber Music – Tuned for Grand Hall. At the other concerts of the season ticket, world-renowned artists from music halls around the globe will play together with their fellow Hungarian musicians: the chamber partners of Péter Nagy will be Daniel Hope, performing for the first time at the Liszt Academy, and Claudio Bohórquez, a guest of many times at the Academy; the partners of Dóra Kokas, whose career is skyrocketing,  will be Maxim Rysanov and Vadim Kholodenko, while László Fenyő will partner with Jiyeong Mun, whose name appears increasingly often in the front ranks of the international music circuit.


Les Vents Français

 As part of the Organ in the Centre season ticket, László Fassang, as well as two famous foreign artists, the U.K.’s David Titterington and Hans-Ola Ericsson from Sweden, will give a solo concert for the first time on the recently renovated instrument of the Liszt Acadmy’s Grand Hall. All three artists have included classical and modern compositions in the repertoire of their concerts. The series entitled Talent Obliges will introduce the young talents of the Liszt Academy at a thematic evening built around a specific composer, nation or genre, while the Liszt Kidz Academy will feature oddball musicians.


László Fassang

France, more specifically Paris, will be in the limelight at the kamara.hu festival in November. Izabella Simon and Dénes Várjon, the artistic directors of the event, will build this year’s multi-layered and complex program featuring outstanding musicians around Stendhal’s masterpiece, The Red and the Black. The novel carries numerous musical associations – with respect to form, melody as well as the overall message.


Izabella Simon and Dénes Várjon

Dr. Andrea Vigh, president of the Liszt Academy, noted that due to restrictions related to the epidemic, eight concerts organised by the institution have been cancelled while nineteen have been rescheduled for a new date in the autumn. In addition, a total of sixty-one concerts hosted by the Academy will have to be cancelled starting from the introduction of the restrictions until the end of this season.

Continuously updated information about the new date of events organised by the Liszt Academy, replacement concerts for season ticket holders and the refund of tickets is available on the zeneakademia.hu website.