Solo tickets now available for Concert Centre season ticket recitals in 2016

4 December 2015

From 1 December, tickets for concerts in the eight new series announced mid-November can be purchased via the Liszt Academy website and at the box office on Liszt Ferenc Square.

Tickets are on sale for the chamber recitals by Sol GabettaJoshua BellKristóf Baráti and Péter Bársony, Péter Frankl and Ildikó Komlósi advertised in the Chamber Music for the Grand Hall season ticket. Solo tickets can also be purchased for concerts in the Baroque Sopranos series featuring Anne Sofie von OtterJulia Lezhneva and Anna Prohaska, as well as Four Times Four starring Takács Quartet, Emerson String Quartet, Keller Quartet and the Berlin Philharmonia Quartet.


Sol Gabetta és Alekszej Vologyin


The Symphony Orchestra of the Liszt Academy are conducted by György Vashegyi, Zoltán RáczÁdám Medveczky and Gábor Takács-Nagy; the first ever Here and Now series of contemporary music allows Piia Komsi and Péter Nagy, Amadinda percussion ensemble as well as Judit Rajk and the Classicus Ensemble to play leading roles. The Génie oblige! series showcasing rising stars features Oszkár VargaEszter Karasszon, Anastasia Razvalyaeva, Erzsébet Seleljo and Tamás Pálfalvi, and the Kállai String Quartet, while we can experience the art of Balázs Szokolay, József Balog and Gábor Farkas in The Colours of Black and White season ticket series.


Vashegyi György és a Zeneakadémia Szimfonikus Zenekara


The following concerts are recommended for 10-15-year-olds attending the Liszt Kidz Academy: Music and MathsMusic and SportMusic and LiteratureMusic and Drawing, although tickets are also available for the Jazz Playground from 1 December.

Click here to browse the Liszt Academy Concert Centre full January-June 2016 programme listing on, or go to the latest edition of our concert magazine, while the latest updates on available tickets can be seen here. Our new season tickets can be purchased with a special Christmas discount by the end of the year, and gift cards (face values of HUF 5000, 10,000, 15,000 and 20,000) can be purchased at our box office.