Musicians of International Reputation Join the Faculty of the Academy of Music Again

21 June 2019

The Franz Liszt Academy of Music Senate decided to hire several new outstanding artists to teach in the 2019-2020 academic year, who have not taught at the institution before.

Prof. em. Ks. opera singer Eva Marton, cellist Miklór Perényi, opera singer Andrea Meláth, violinist Barnabás Kelemen, violinist Vilmos Szabadi and trumpet player Gábor Boldoczki are all faculty members of the Music Academy of the international forefront.


Photo: Liszt Academy / Dénes Erdős


These prestigious artists were joined, as per the recent decision of the University Senate, by artists who are part of a newer generation of Hungarian musicians. Internationally known, mature artists at the top of their career, who have not taught at the Music Academy before.

Based on the presented applications the Senate supported the nomination of, among others, pianist János Balázs, violinist Kristóf Baráti, horn artist Zoltán Szőke to become teachers of the university; while in the near past tuba artist Roland Szentpáli, trombone artist György Gyivicsán have become professors. Besides these, horn artist Szabolcs Zempléni and French pianist David Fray were nominated visiting professors for five years.


Photo: Liszt Academy / Dénes Erdős

“Since Franz Liszt, it the Academy’s tradition to employ such outstanding musicians, who are exceptional pedagogues too”- said rector Dr Andrea Vigh at the press conference on 7 June. She added: as part of the individual courses several professors can teach young talents at the same time, this is also the reason our university can train the next generation of young talents to be incredibly marketable in the international musical life. “The Academy is following the path of Franz Liszt, who when establishing the institute called the bests to return home, and who came home happily. Hungary is still inexhaustible of music talents ever since” – emphasised the rector, reminding us that the famous artists, as teachers, provide support for the academic training.

Dr Andrea Vigh was happy to announce the renewal of the winds departmental group with the arrival of Zoltán Szőke, Roland Szentpáli, György Gyivicsán, and Szabolcs Zempléni. With earlier arrival of Gábor Boldoczki the faculty was refreshed and rejuvenated.


Photo: Liszt Academy / Dénes Erdős

János Balázs told that being a faculty member of the Music Academy means passing on the Liszt methodology. And being a concert performing artist means we can help the students with our practical experiences - he added.

Kristóf Baráti said that he finds teaching thinking also necessary besides music so that the student is not just a “clone” a skilful pupil, but an open, creative and thinking artist.

Further world-famous musicians are expected to join the faculty members in the foreseeable future.


Photo: Liszt Academy / Dénes Erdős

Short resume of new faculty members:

János Balázs pianist was born in 1988 in Budapest and graduated from the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. Winner of multiple piano competitions, he played at major concert venues in Europe during his career and is the owner of prestigious honours; the Kossuth and Liszt Prize is among these.

Violinist Kristóf Baráti was born in 1979 in Budapest. His masters were Vilmos Tátrai and Miklós Szentmihályi at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. As a courtesy of the Stradivari Society, he plays the 1703 "Lady Harmsworth" Stradivari master violin. He won several distinguished international competitions; he performs regularly at prominent concert venues and festivals of the world, he owns the Kossuth Prize and the Bartók-Pásztory Prize.

Horn artist Zoltán Szőke, was born in 1977 in Budapest and graduated from the Academy in 2002; he was a student of Tamás Zempléni, Károly Ambrus then of Ádám Friedrich. He was already first horn of the Orchestra of the Hungarian State Opera before graduation. He is now a member of the Budapest Festival Orchestra.

Tuba virtuoso Roland Szentpáli was born in 1977 in Nyíregyháza. He attended the Franz Liszt Music College, already winning competitions that time; he is now a member of the National Philharmonic Orchestra. He is an active composer and known internationally. He regularly holds international master classes worldwide.

Trombonist György Gyivicsán was born in 1977 in Orosháza and studied at the Music Department of the University of Szeged. He later continued his studies in Freiburg and Bern and defended his dissertation in 2013 at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. He received medals in several competitions and was a scholarship recipient at the Berlin Radio Orchestra. He performs solo and quartet concerts all over the world, and also hold master classes.

Visiting faculty

Horn artist Szabolcs Zempléni was born in 1981 in Budapest, graduated from the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in 2005 as a student of Ferenc Tarjányi, but was also a visiting student of Christian Dallmann at the Berlin Music Academy. Winner of multiple international competitions, he was assistant in the Frankfurter Opera between 2003-2005 and in the Drezda Statskapelle, then continued his career as the first horn at the Bamber Philharmonic Orchestra.

David Fray pianist was born in 1981 in Tarbes, France and graduated from the Conservatoire in Paris as a student of Jacques Rouvier. He had tremendous success at the Montreal competition in 2004, and he has become a world-famous pianist since then much in demand, mainly known for interpreting Bach.