Liszt & Bartók workshops at Liszt Academy

28 March 2014

Under the project titled "Pilgrimage of musical geniuses" Liszt Academy offers free master classes focusing on piano works of Liszt and string quartets of Bartók in May & June 2014. március 28.

The Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest and the Haute École de Musique de Genéve have started a cooperation during the fall of 2013, "Pilgrimage of musical geniuses – Liszt and Bartók in Switzerland and Hungary" supported and financed by the grant of the Swiss Contribution.

The objective is to strengthen the cooperation between the two institutions through workshops on the two, world-renowned Hungarian composers. The workshops consist of masterclasses held by professors from both institutions, musicology lectures, exploring the places, memorial sites connected to the two composers in both cities. The mutually complementary workshops in Geneva and Budapest – which is accessible separately of course – cover the string quartets of Bartók and the piano pieces of Liszt with special focus on his works inspired by Switzerland and Hungary (for example: Années de pèlerinage, Hungarian Rhapsodies, late works).

The Bartók string quartet workshops are held by Sándor Devich, professor emeritus of the Liszt Academy and Gábor Takács-Nagy, professor of the Haute École de Musique de Geneve. As founders of the Bartók String Quartet, the Takács Quartet and the Mikrokozmosz Quartet they both have recorded all Bartók string quartets under prestigious labels, have been playing the Bartók string quartets in the major concert halls of the world and have acquired an unparalleled experience in the field of teaching the string quartets as well.

The piano workshops are held by prof. Kálmán Dráfi, head of the Liszt Academy Piano Department and István Lantos, former president of the Liszt Academy and head of the Piano Department with their special expertise in Liszt's piano works. Professors Sylviane Deferne and Nelson Goerner will represent the rich Liszt legacy on behalf of the Haute École de Musique de Genéve.

Deatiled info on the master classes, on the project and the registration form are to be found on the project's microsite aviable under