Gábor Hontvári is winner of this year’s Rezső Lantos choirmaster competition

20 March 2014

The Conducting and Choir Conducting Department of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music and the Rezső Lantos Foundation organized the competition for young choirmasters on 16 March 2014.

First prize and at the same time the Rezső Lantos Foundation prize was won by Gábor Hontvári, second year student in the Orchestral and Choir Conducting Department (BA) of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (teacher: Valér Jobbágy), while third place was taken by Péter Dobszay, who is a first year student of conducting (MA) of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, who won the scholarship of the Kecskemét Kodály Institute Foundation. Péter Dobszay won the special prize of the Hungarian Kodály Society for the finest performance of Kodály's Gömöri song; Aliz Kiss and Dávid Farkasházi (both BA second year students of the Orchestral and Choir Conducting Department of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music) shared in a further three special prizes of the Hungarian Kodály Society. Gábor Hontvári also picked up the audience prize offered by the Rezső Lantos Foundation.