Discount for Műcsarnok exhibition with Liszt Academy tickets

14 March 2017

Until 12 March, a 20% discount is provided on the tickets for the exhibition The First Golden Age to all who purchased their conventional, full price tickets at the ticket office of the Liszt Academy.

Within the framework of the agreement between the Liszt Academy and Műcsarnok, all printed full price tickets for the Liszt Academy ensure a 20% discount on the tickets for the exhibition The First Golden Age at Műcsarnok, which is to be visited until 12 March. The concession enters into effect by submitting the valid Liszt Academy ticket at the ticket office of Műcsarnok. No discount is offered on online purchase either in the case of the Liszt Academy or that of Műcsarnok.


Kupka, František (Opočno, 1871 – Puteaux, 1957)
Wave, 1902, oil on canvas, 100 × 145 cm, inv. nr.: 0 819

Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě – Gallery of Fine Arts, Ostrava
Photo: © BcA.
Vladimír Šulc, GVUO / source: Műcsarnok


With the exhibition The First Golden Age, Műcsarnok in Budapest celebrates the 120th anniversary of its opening. The foundation of this institution coincides with the most flourishing period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Hungary. The exhibition presenting the art of the states belonging to the empire came about with the collaboration of the Hungarian, Austrian, Czech, Polish, Romanian and Croatian museums and private collectors and awaits its visitors with nearly 200 artworks.